Recently i have been prescribing my patients diets higher in omega 3's. This important nutrient helps decrease inflammation in the body, contribute to joint pain relief / mental health disorders / hair and skin health. Omega 3s are good fats that everyone should LOVE. This essential fatty acid is a healthy fat that contributes to weight loss and body maintenance. This is a quick and easy throw together salad to make consuming omega 3s tasty.
My Omega 3 SALAD recipe
1 handful of washed spinach
1 handful of washed cos lettuce
1 handful of washed basil
1 pack of smoked salmon (2 slices)
1 avocado
1 hand full of sliced mushrooms
goats cheese
1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed (linseed)
1 tablespoon of pumpkin seeds
freshly squeezed lemon juice
1 table of coconut oil
cold pressed organic olive oil to drizzle
Sauté sliced mushrooms in coconut oil until fragrant and light brown, set aside
Pull apart two slices of the smoked salmon
Add salmon and mushrooms to the spinach, cos lettuce, avocado smashed through and basil base
Mix through some goats cheese
Sprinkle the ground flaxseed and pumpkin seeds
Dress with lemon juice and olive oil